Does the product contain residual traces of alcohol?

In very small amounts, yes, but these have no relevant effects. Through the gentle dealcoholization, the alcohol is removed from the wine down to a minimal residual alcohol of 0.3-0.4%. This is a comparable alcohol content to fruit juice. Compared to eating a ripe banana, for example, it has a lower alcohol content (approx. 0.6% alcohol).

You can already secure your ZERONIMO wines and pre-order them here. Please be aware that the quantities are limited. The wines are also already on the cargo ship on their way to America. The wines should arrive on American soil at the beginning of August 2024 and be ready to be shipped to you shortly afterwards. If there are any changes, our partner Ocean Beach Brand will inform you on time. Please note that the purchasing of ZERONIMO wines takes place via our partner Ocean Beach Brands.  

Let´s take red wine as an example, where the body, mouthfeel and finish is probably most new as compared with conventional red wine. The body of the wine gets subtly light-footed and very elegant. The mouthfeel is more refreshing and charming – so less warm and more middle then full-bodied. The warm and full-bodied mouthfeel that red wine typically has actually comes entirely from alcohol. High-end and dealcoholized wines that are made from premium conventional wines have a finish that also stays longer and leads you to the next sip – it is just a bit more understatement and rich of colder and bitter than warm flavors.

For us dealcoholized wines are an own wine category (like Orange Wine or Pet-Nat) that has its own wine flavor profile that are to the most extent not comparable with conventional wines and can be seen as something unique and stand alone. This shows again the fascinating and versatile side of wine and how just one difference in crafting can already lead to different wine aroma profiles.


During vacuum distillation, the wine is distilled using minimal pressure. Due to the low pressure, the boiling temperature of the liquid to be separated is reduced to 27 to a maximum of 35 degrees, which is many times lower than with the second common dealcoholization method – reverse osmosis. Vacuum distillation therefore makes it possible to preserve more substances and, in particular, aromas of the liquid that would otherwise escape due to excessive heating.

Aroma recovery involves extracting the flavors from the alcohol portion that has been removed and then adding them back to the dealcoholized portion. In our case and the methodology used for Zeronimo wines, this aroma recovery takes 3-4 days. The methodology is therefore very expensive, but brings a number of indispensable advantages for us.

Yes, definitely. Identify, as with wine, there are a variety of things that influence the enjoyment of non-alcoholic wines. The choice of glass, the drinking temperature, whether you aerate/decant the wine or not, as well as the food you enjoy with it and what you drank beforehand have an influence on the taste experience. Also good to know: alcohol-free wines that contain little sugar or even low in sugar offer more wine tastes and aromas while at the same time agile and crisp acidity, which gives the whole taste experience additional freshness and drinking flow.

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